Pierre Desrochers

Chair of the executive committee - Ville de Montréal

Pierre Desrochers was elected city councillor for the district of Saint-Sulpice in the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough in November 2013. He was appointed chairman of the Montréal executive committee and is responsible for finance, large projects, human capital, corporate communications, legal affairs and property assessment. Pierre Desrochers is a member of the urban agglomeration council and of the board of directors of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) (Montreal metropolitan community). He is also vice-president of the Commission du développement économique, des équipements métropolitains et des finances de la CMM (commission for economic development, metropolitan facilities and finance of the CMM). Before November 2013, Pierre Desrochers was a management and strategic communications consultant. He was also a trustee for the Fiducie pour l’approvisionnement en hydrocarbures de la Basse-Côte-Nord (trust fund to supply the Québec Lower North Shore with hydrocarbons). He has worked for more than 30 years in the oil industry, holding several managerial positions in the fields of sales and marketing. When he took an early retirement from Imperial Oil in 2005, he was director of public and corporate affairs – Eastern Canada. In this position, he represented senior management in Québec and was responsible for government, community and media relations for Québec and Atlantic Canada. He also represented Imperial Oil on the board of the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute – Eastern Canada Division, where he acted as chairman in 1996-1997 and 2001-2002. Previously, he was president of the Chambre de commerce de l’est de Montréal (chamber of commerce of eastern Montréal) and chairman of the board of directors of the Société de développement et de promotion de l’Est de Montréal (Pro-Est) (corporation for the development and promotion of eastern Montréal). He also sat on the board of directors of the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (federation of Québec chambers of commerce) and was a member of its board as well as president of the Mercuriades 2000. Pierre Desrochers presided over the comité permanent d’initiative du Montréal métropolitain (COPIMM) (metropolitan Montréal standing committee for initiative), a consultation body made up of the six largest chambers of commerce in the metropolitan area. Pierre Desrochers was chairman of the executive committee of the Conseil de développement de l’Île de Montréal (CRDÎM) (Island of Montréal development council) and vice-chairman of the Conférence régionale des élus (CRÉ) de l’Île de Montréal (regional conference of elected officials of the Island of Montréal) and concurrently chair of the partners’ board).


Browse through the four days of the event by clicking on the arrows. Event will be held From May 18th to May 21th

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  • Statutory meetings

  • Thematic sessions

  • Political plenary sessions

  • Real-life experiences on the urban ground

  • Social events